Sunday, 3 October 2010

More bad news

We seem to be back to fearing the worst & praying for the best. Our friend Jean, wife of Dick Gobble, has just been told she has ovarian cancer.

She's been having stomach pains for over a year now. She's been in & out of hospital, having morphine injections, X-rays, ultrasound, scans, with no results. They've been fobbing her off with the idea the pain has been related to an old scar from an appendix extraction she had done nearly forty years ago, which sounded pretty unlikely to us, but then we're not doctors. Eventually, after her persistent complaining, they decided to do some keyhole surgery, found something they didn't like the look of & did a biopsy. Now they know it is cancer.

If I was Dick & his wife I would be fuming. It's taken over a year to get a diagnosis. I just hope, & pray, that now, after all this time, the cancer is still treatable. I fear it will be too late.

There's no denying it, one disadvantage of getting older is Death & Ill-Health become constant companions, never far away. They increasingly affect you & your loved ones, friends & family alike. They no longer hang around in the background, hardly noticeable. But then Death, & for that matter I suspect Ill-Health, have always been among the few sure things in life.

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