Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Strange morning

It's another of those strange mornings when I have nothing specific to do. Usually the preparation of food is a central feature of the morning but today the Fox is cooking. He's doing a beef in black bean sauce stir fry dish. The only preparation I can do is to get the meat out of the freezer, along with some cheese to have for dessert, & to find a bottle of red wine to accompany the meal. The rest, of necessity, will be done by the Fox this evening.

We decided to do this stir fry today as tomorrow we're off to Ricky's Cantonese restaurant . I suspect our stir fry effort will seem very poor if we made it soon after that meal. We are just using a ready made jar of sauce. This way we should still enjoy the Fox's effort.

This means, of course, that tomorrow will also be another strange morning with nothing specific to do.

If the weather was better I would strip the apple & pear trees of their fruit. The Pub always appreciates them. We'll keep some, of course, for our own usage but we would never manage to eat the lot. Someone might as well have the advantage of them. But today is wet, wet, wet, & the forecast seems to be more of the same. Even when the rain stops it will take a few days for the lawn to dry out sufficiently for us to cross it without squelching our way as we go. It will definitely be a welly boots time.

Meanwhile there's nothing to do but to visit Monet's waterlily pond with my jigsaw. Or maybe I will continue on my way down the Mississippi with Huck Finn, my current reading. Either way I'm telling myself it will do me good to have a bit more of a relax. I seem to have been overdoing things a bit of late.

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