Wednesday, 22 September 2010

A bit of banter

I'm using the ham in a different way today. This time I've spread some soft garlic & herb cheese on, rolled it up & inserted the rolls into pockets in a couple of chicken breasts. All has been breadcrumbed ready to fry up this evening. As I say, something a bit different.

I bought the chicken yesterday at a nearby butcher. When I arrived, Alan, the butcher, duly asked "What would you like young lady?"

My reaction was to comment, "It's a long time since I was called young." The big exception is undoubtedly the Fox who always tells me I'm nowt but a spring chicken, but I didn't bother to tell Alan that.

"Ah, but don't you feel like 20 inside?" Alan is in his sixties, so he has some experience of growing older.

I thought a bit. "No, on the whole I feel older than that, sometimes I even feel ancient."

"Wouldn't you want to be just 20 again?"

I was forced to admit I wouldn't. All that uncertainty as you find your way in life, build up important relationships.

"But think of the adventure," he commented.

"But I'd sooner have my adventure with a basis of security," I retorted.

We agreed to differ & I went on my way.

It's always good to have a bit of cheery banter. And there's no denying it, on the whole Alan's right. You don't feel inside the age you actually are. Most of the time I do feel younger, it's just that some of the time my aches make me feel old, very old. On the whole, though, I do feel more content & happier than when I was younger, certainly than when I was 20. I suppose inside, most of the time, I feel in the 30-40 age bracket. What about you?

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