Friday once again. It's the last day of the carers' course for the Fox & afternoon with a carer for me. On the whole we both feel it's a bit of a relief. It's amazing how tying it feels to have one day fixed for a particular activity. These days we tend to take things gentle, deciding on the day what we, or often more specifically I, feel up to doing.
Today we really could do with going shopping. We're nearly out of milk. I would do a big shop while we're at it, but with the other activities it's dubious if that will get done.
Meanwhile next week is already looking as though it's going to be busy, certainly by the end of the week.
On Thursday we've been invited to PD's wife's 60th birthday celebratory meal at Ricky's, our favourite Cantonese restaurant. After my rather grotty day yesterday, which ended with me in bed by 9.15pm, exhausted & in severe pain, the Fox is beginning to wonder if we shouldn't have said no. I feel off days happen & there's no reason to suspect it will happen again next Thursday,especially if I take the rest of the day very quietly. Admittedly the meal is later than we usually have - the table's booked for 7pm - but PD & his wife will need time to get changed after disposing of the grandchildren they look after on Thursday.
Friday we've agreed to go to the Pub. Mr P, the music teacher, wants us to meet, & help entertain, a visiting German teacher he's looking after for a couple of days.
Saturday sees the Fox off for his flu jab. Mr P is also trying to get us to a concert that evening. The German teacher has brought his school orchestra with him & they will be performing that night. Mr P wants there to be a good turn out. We're in two minds. The idea of a very amateur performance of Elgar doesn't have much appeal. But to support a friend....
A busy week indeed. Just as well the Fox hasn't also got his course.
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