Oh dear, I've just boiled a caterpillar. I don't know where it was hiding. The potatoes I'd scrubbed well so I can't see how I missed it if it was on those. I can only assume it was hiding on the mint I boiled with the potatoes. I'll have to look more carefully next time.
I listened to the news yesterday. I'm now mentally preparing myself for a winter of strikes. Part of the problem is that there doesn't seem to be a very organised opposition to anything the government proposes at the moment. The Labour Party is just too immersed in it's leadership election to take on the Coalition Government. Someone has to stand up for the workers, especially if they are low paid, & for disabled people & pensioners, who maybe can't fight for themselves. It seems the Trade Unions have decided to step into the breach on their behalf.
I find myself wondering how many people can cope with the difficulties brought from strikes. It's so long since we had strikes to any great degree. Many have never experienced their impact. It isn't just the inconvenience of trains not working, it's all the other problems that can occur - lack of electricity, food shortages of one sort or another, even greater hardship for those on strike - that affect everyone. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Meanwhile I'm beginning to wonder if my mother wasn't right. Maybe I should stock up for war, get a pile of tea & sugar in ready.
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