Monday, 16 August 2010

Salmon thoughts

We've been having salmon all weekend, first in the fishcakes, then in a kedgeree. Admittedly the latter was made with the "real" stuff, ie out of a tin, whilst the former was made from some fresh fillet.

Like most people of my generation, salmon came out of a tin in my youth. The fresh stuff was just too expensive unless you had the good fortune of a fishing friend, & we didn't have that. Whatever else you can say, fish farming has brought the price down considerably so that salmon is now cheaper than cod, the then all pervasive fish, & is in the price range of most people.

In the 1950s, when food was still in short supply even though rationing had officially finished. My Uncle John, who had a grocer's shop, always put aside tins of salmon & crab. He knew my mum loved them, so he kept such treats for her. Whenever we visited we came home laden with tins. Similarly, at Christmas, there arrived through the post a hamper, put together by Uncle John & his wife, full of such rare treats. That one usually also contained dates, figs & ginger, all things my mother adored but were hard to come by in those days. For my brother & I there was always chocolate treats for us. Fond memories.

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