I'm relieved the weekend has finally arrived. It's been an exhausting week, what with the central heating boiler & new hot water tank being installed, then yesterday an OT (occupational therapist) in the morning & a carer coming for three hours to look after me while the Fox went to his carers' course. Today nobody is due to call. It's our chance to once more have our home to ourselves, to get the laundry room sorted once more, to just relax bit.
Despite the Fox's broad hint in his blog yesterday, we're not having a roast. He was somewhat mollified when he heard what I had decided to make - homemade salmon fishcakes. He wanted above all comfort food & what could be more comforting & homely than that? They're all breaded, sitting in the fridge ready to fry up this evening.
The next onslaughts will be when the central heating people return to pebbledash the wall where the old flu used to exit, to make it more in keeping with the rest of the building. We're also expecting someone to come to put in some extra grab rails, one in the bathroom & one to replace the rusting one at the laundry entrance. Then too there's the tree surgeon to trim our trees. It's all go, but at least we've got the weekend as an oasis of peace to get our breath back.
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