Saturday, 7 August 2010

The hunt

I'm in a bit of a state. I usually take rings off when I'm preparing food. I've just been par-cooking some potatoes to saute later. I went to put my rings back on & I cannot find them. I've looked in the apron pocket, my normal place. No. All kitchen surfaces? No. The dining table? No. I've even checked they're not still on the side of the bath where I put them when I have my morning wash, but no. While the potatoes were cooking I ventured into the garden for some mint, & to feed the birds. Could they have dropped out of the pocket? No sign.

I'm telling myself to calm down. The Fox, my normal Sherlock, will quickly find them.

The fact I have mislaid them, I suspect is due to my general mental dis-ease after that medical. I still don't feel I've entirely recovered from the experience. I still feel distracted & absent-minded. My concentration is shot.

Oh, why oh why, did I have to have it? All it seems to have achieved is unsettle everything, making things even harder to cope with. And they don't even see the consequences!


It's nearly an hour later now, & I've found them! Three cheers.

Where? Well might you ask. I finally decided to locate some wine for dinner tonight. There, in the basket where we keep garlic & keys, were my wedding & engagement rings. What they were doing there I have absolutely no idea, but I'm overjoyed to have found them & hastily put them on.


Malcolm said...

we're both experts at misplacing / mislaying things in our household and, the stress of several apparently fruitless searches is itself a cause of further stress.

I'm just relieved that since attaining state pensioner status I no longer need incapacity benefit medicals and, in a way, really pleased that I never pursued the DLA option (much as it would have helped) when my therapist thought I should. I can do without the hassle.

Wishing you a speedy recovery from the traumatizing experience!

The Oxcliffe Fox said...

I'm convinced that the whole point of the medical & the horrific forms is to deter legitimate applicants from applying for something they are entitiled to, & are often in need of. And then they have the audacity to complain that many deserving people don't apply for the benefits they are entitled to! The Vixen