Monday 10 August 2009

Rain again

We won't be watering the new kiddies today. It's been non-stop rain all morning. Lakes are once more appearing around the garden. Last night the Fox got around to putting some bark down as a mulch to discourage the weeds. Everything is looking a sodden mess. Now we'll discover whether these plants are really bog plants or not. Last time we planted some "bog" plants here, they drowned. We'll see if we've done better this time. Certainly the garden centre won't be able to say they didn't have enough water!

The heavenly tears seem appropriate as we prepare to go to the first of our funerals today. This is for MK. This time I've decided to get a meal prepared. At Dave C's I didn't bother, thinking there would be plenty of food so the most we'd want would be a snack or a pizza. So many people turned up, we were lucky to get even a sandwich. We came home ravenous, having watched so many others gorging themselves.

I know Helen has ordered food for 40, but she reckons there will be 17 family &, even I can name 20 plus who are thinking of coming. So this time I'm playing safe. I've made a simple prawn curry. That will keep until tomorrow if necessary, but will be quick & easy enough to warm up even if we don't feel like eating until late.

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