Saturday, 8 August 2009

Christmas has come early

Christmas has come early this year. Yesterday in fact. The first to arrive were three boxes of plants. Most of them are for the bog garden. The echinacea was for the herb garden, or maybe I ought to call it medicinal garden, in the front. I hastily planted that yesterday. The pink flowers brighten up a bare patch & add a bit of colour to a predominantly green garden - various shades of green admittedly.

While I was doing that, another delivery van arrived. Another parcel. This time it's a new lamp. The Fox's eyes are not what they were & he felt the need of a reading lamp in an evening.

I was happily talking to neighbours, all sat on the low wall, when this arrived. Then I heard the phone ringing. I hastily got inside, expecting yet another call about one funeral or the other. But no, it's the computer repair company. We had to take the laptop in for a repair on Wednesday. They said it would take a fortnight & would cost £75-100 to repair. Instead it was already done & would only cost £29. So we went to collect it in the afternoon. It's amazing how bereft you feel when you've got used to having a laptop easily available, & then to be without it.

A busy day indeed. Today we're hoping to be out in the garden, planting the bog plants. We hastily watered them yesterday. In fact they've had three dowsings so far. It will be a relief once they're safely planted with their feet in water.

I'm not entirely looking forward to the digging of the holes - not in such wet ground. The other day I was talking to a neighbour. She was saying they'd had to dig a deep hole in their garden recently. Once they'd dug the hole, they decided to go in for a rest & a well earned cup of tea before doing anything else. When they came out again, the hole was full to the brim with water. And we're lower down the hill, with even more water!

I'm telling myself it should all be looking much better once everything is planted. It will be wonderful to see some colour, rather than just a patch of weeds, from the kitchen window & the patio area. Some of the plants ought to grow to the 6ft mark so, in time, they ought to hide the nondescript fence behind & some of that neighbour's ugly outbuildings.

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