Wednesday 12 August 2009

Garden update

It looks as though the new plants are settling in well. The globe flowers have two new buds that are definitely fattening up ready to open. The hydrangea is getting bluer by the moment. All the others are standing reasonably erect.

Lin did recommend us getting some mushroom compost as mulch. Certainly the two huge bags of bark have been barely adequate to discourage inevitable weeds, especially as much has floated off in the subsequent flooding. I wonder if mushroom compost would be a bit heavier. Maybe we'll go along to a garden centre to see if we can find something more to act as a mulch. Meanwhile the bark will just have to do.

In the front, the dusky pink echinacea seems to have inspired the garlic chives to come into flower. They didn't flower last year at all. The small white flowers stand out against the pink petals & the browny yellow cones of the echinacea behind. The bright orange of the marigolds add a bit of cheer to the herb garden. Though it has to be admitted it is the bright yellow spreading hands of the fennel that dominate the front. I think it has something to do with the sheer height to the plant.

I'm beginning to feel confident the plants will survive our absence as we set off to Stoke for Ivy's funeral. I like to water newcomers daily for the first week or so to make sure they settle in well. The heavens seem to have been doing the watering this week. Hopefully they will continue to do so.

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