Thursday 14 March 2019


I’m back to usual – waiting.

I was not in the best of moods when I had to rush, mid-wash, to answer the phone at 8am. I thought it was going to be the window man changing this morning’s appointment. Instead it was this Indian-sounding voice muttering something about our landline. I duly told her where to get off. It was clearly a scam of some sort. I went back to my morning wash.

After a quick bite & a mug of tea for breakfast, I have since peeled the spuds to accompany those Corned Beef Cutlets & done this week’s ironing (a whole two items!).

Now I’m into the serious wait. He said he would come some time between 9 and 12, so I wait & feel unsettled. While he is here I’m going to mention the wet carpet by the back door. We’ve had a lot of trouble with that door. All has been well since it was replaced until now. It may just have been the direction of Storm Gareth. A lot of water has come down these last few days, with strong winds behind the rain. The door has felt the full brunt of the storm. Today, at last, the sun is shining even though the wind is still gusting.

I’ll soon be back at a jigsaw where I can see any approaching vehicle coming, whilst being distracted by the puzzle & the radio. I find that’s the best way to wait.

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