Wednesday 13 March 2019

To cook or not to cook

Last night we decided today we would eat out. I was in severe pain, a reflection of the amount extra I’m doing as the Fox does battle with his cold. As we are going food shopping today, & we usually pop to the pub to unwind before going home to make dinner, it occurred to me we might as well just eat there and I could have a break from cooking & washing up.

Then, as I lay in bed last night it dawned upon me, that tomorrow we’ve got someone coming to look at the faulty window. He said he would come some time between 9am & noon. The next meal I was intending to prepare was Corned Beef Cutlets, using up some leftover corned beef. This takes a little while to prepare, as well as some pretty mucky hands. Basically I  make a very thick white sauce, add some soft breadcrumbs & the corned beef, season, mix into a sticky paste. On a lightly floured surface, I then shape this paste into roughly a triangular shape – my idea of cutlet shape - & breadcrumb it. Just the sort of thing I do not want to be interrupted in the midst of in order to go and answer the door!

So first thing I did this morning is make up the cutlets. They can wait in the fridge until tomorrow. You never know, we might decide to eat at home anyway. I’ve not bothered with peeling the potatoes. That can wait until tomorrow/this evening.  

I keep telling myself that we’ll will start our throw out we made as our New Year resolution. However, there always seems to be so many intervening things to do – hospital trips, GP trips, colds, window problems – we just don’t seem to be finding the time, and energy, to get on with the sorting out. 

I suspect that the idea of a making a New Year  resolution is part of the problem. They almost inevitably seem doomed to not be fulfilled!

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