Thursday 22 December 2016


Yesterday, the Fox nervously went for his massage. It’s the first time he’s ever had a massage. What made him particularly anxious is that he tends to find scents set him off sneezing & eyes bulging up towards tears. He feared aromatherapy oils would be used.

I went along with him. I took something to read confident they would be happy for me to sit in the reception lounge while I waited.

It turned into a surprising wait for me. Soon the Fox went off for his therapy. I opened my book. Before long another couple came along. She started to talk to me. It was her first time & she was rather nervous. I assured her the first time was really little more than for the charity to have a chance to understand her needs & tell her what services they had to offer. She was soon away to her appointment.

Her husband continued to wait so we got chatting. He was reluctant at first, feeling as a supporter his job was just to be there & keep his own concerns under cover. Soon, though, he was unburdening himself.

Another man joined us. He apparently was there for an MS meeting only he’d arrived an hour only. He happily joined in. He may have been primarily concerned about MS & its treatment but we all readily agreed that illnesses of whatever sort do overlap in some of the problems they raise. We soon found common ground.

By now a third man joined us. He looked dark & very downcast. We assured him he was very welcome to join in. No, he assured us. He was just waiting for his talking therapist. He was depressed as his wife was dying of cancer. His life turned round one lot of therapy to another. Nonsense we said, he could still join in while he waited. By the time his therapist came to call him in for therapy, he told the therapist to go away as he was having a more important conversation here in the lounge. By this time his face had lifted. There was light in it.

Not so long after that the Fox returned, looking more relaxed than I’ve seen him in ages. We left to do our last bit of Christmas shopping. The third man went off for his therapy.

The Fox had on the whole enjoyed his massage. She had used unscented oils this time. He’d found himself drifting off, feeling more refreshed at the end of it than he has done after many a night’s sleep. He’s already looking forward to his next massage next week. As for me, I’m confident waiting in the lounge may turn into another interesting experience.

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