Tuesday 20 December 2016


I’m beginning to think there is an epidemic of breast cancer in this area at the moment. I already knew the lady I used to sit next to in church had an op for breast cancer around about the same time as me. Yesterday I discovered the friend of friend, who lives in the village also has had breast cancer. She had her op a week after me. As she isn’t having any chemo, she’s now a week in advance of me for her radiotherapy. It seems an awful lot of breast cancer to come at once. I already knew the lady in the bed next to me when I had my op was from Morecambe. Is there something in the air? Has something leaked from the nuclear power station that they’ve not told us about? Am I just getting paranoid?

I’m telling myself that can’t be the case. One of our friends works for security at the power station, checking for any excess radiation. He knows of none, or at least hasn’t so much as hinted at any such incident. Surely he would to me, regardless of company policy.

Maybe it’s the novel I’m reading which involves a legal case being brought against a company for negligence. The company allowed its staff to end up with cancer due to unsafe working with contaminated materials. But I do begin to wonder. Especially when I also know of at least one friend locally who died recently with a different sort of cancer.

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