Thursday, 25 August 2011


I was surprised yesterday when Al, our gardener, turned up. It had rained very heavily the previous night & had looked threatening all morning. I hastily went to unbolt the gate so he could get round to the back garden & the lawn. He had barely come through, & I had congratulated him on winning a cup at his local village flower & produce show, when I noticed a few drops of water. By the time he'd got his lawnmower going, it progressed to rain, quite heavy rain. He didn't stay long. Soon after the skies roared with three great rumbles of indigestion. Or was it just thunder?

Today we're off to the Farmers' Market to see if we can get some pork & steak. On the way back we're intending to stop at the fish shop for some fish for today's dinner. And maybe some little things in butter, potted shrimps in other words, for a bit of lunch. We're a bit nervous of eating at the village pub after last month's upset tums. It probably was nothing to do with the food there. Certainly in my case, I suspect it had more to do with medication, but niggling nervousness remains. It's a pity. It was such a good place for food but, since they've been having chef problems, it seems to have gone downhill of late.

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