Sunday, 8 November 2009

A quiet bonfire night

It seems to have been a remarkably quiet 5th November this year. Usually we hear & see fireworks going off weeks in advance & for some time after. Not so this year. When it was quiet on Thursday I assumed it was so uneventful because it was mid-week & so many children had to get up for school next day. I thought yesterday would be noisier.

Yesterday, Saturday, was the day of the big display in Lancaster. They do it in the fields near the castle & the fireworks can be seen for miles around. One year we had a French friend staying at the time, so we had a meal at a pub this side of the River Lune. There was a hiatus in the meal for everyone to go outside to watch the fireworks, see them reflected in the water & ooh & aah. He was really wowed.

At the castle itself they usually have a huge bonfire, plenty of food of all sorts, fire eaters & jugglers. All very festive.

I can't quite decide whether the quietness was due to the rain - and it certainly was wet - or yet another sign of the recession. There seemed to be a fair queue at the fireworks stall at Morrisons when we were there on Thursday. We certainly weren't about to venture out on such foul nights. I suspect many others felt the same.

I wonder whether in the next few weeks we'll have unexpected bangs & flashes as people set off fireworks they never used this week due to the sheer amount of rain we've experienced of late.

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