Monday, 9 November 2009

A beautiful morning

It's a beautiful morning for once. After all that rain, yesterday was dry & bright. But today is simply stunning.

There must have been a heavy frost last night. The shed roof is sparkling white. The wooden fences are steaming in the sun. The sunshine is streaming through the few remaining golden leaves on the trees. There's a clarity to the light that is dazzling. I would put my washing out but I suspect it would freeze on the line rather than dry. All together it's one of those mornings that make you feel glad to be alive.

There's just the one shadow on the day - Little B's funeral. I've finally decided on my attire, smart navy. I don't want to cause offence to anyone but I just cannot go in a pink tracksuit. Not to a funeral. And this is a blouse Little B liked.

It will be relief when it's all over & we can get back to normal. I always hate this period between a death & the subsequent funeral. I find it a strange, very settling, limbo time. On this occasion it has been particularly long because of the need for a post mortem & inquest. I'm just glad it will soon be over.

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