I watch the flooding in Cockermouth with a certain sense of relief. At one point we did seriously consider moving there. It's a pleasant town with a real sense of community. Not too touristy as so many Lakeland towns are. It was tempting, but ultimately we decided too far from the motorway. At the time we were still having to do regular trips down to Manchester to see family, so the motorway was a definite consideration.
But knowing the town has made these floods all the more real. Our hearts go out to those poor people who have been forced out of their homes probably for months while they are cleaned, repaired & redecorated. As for those whose houses & contents were uninsured it must be a nightmare. Not to mention those whose livelihoods are at risk as their businesses have to close for months for repair & renovation.
The floods have encouraged an anxious phone call or two. My cousins are aware we don't live far from the Lake District & that our garden floods regularly at the best of times. We are fine. Indeed our garden lakes, although persistent (not surprising with all the rain we've had the last month or so), are if anything lower than usual. However, you don't have to go far to see fields under water. The River Lune in Lancaster has burst its banks, no doubt flooding the quayside. Roads in various directions are closed due to flooding.
We're hoping the newly-weds are okay. They're honeymooning in Kendal which has also flooded. We're telling ourselves their hotel is high up on the hill so should be okay. And if nothing else, they will have a warm fire, good food & a bar even if it's too wet to get out much. If the roads are blocked off, then other visitors can't reach the hotel so no doubt they can keep their room an extra day or two until they can leave. So far the Kendal by-pass & the motorway are still open, so with a bit of luck they'll make it home on time.
Meanwhile it continues to rain.....
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