Saturday, 6 June 2009

They've found it

Weather's back to normal - grey, wet & windy. I'm telling myself that at least it saves us having to water all the pots. The birds have clearly discovered the new bird table. I looked out to see at least half a dozen sparrows happily on it. They seem to be rather messy eaters & the edges around the table are not very high, so seed & bread is scattered on the ground too. No problem. Down below, a few more sparrows are feeding, along with a collared dove & a robin. Yet more birds are queueing up for the hanging feeders. I suspect the planters below the bird table may soon start filling up with some more exotic plants, certainly some sunflowers, as dropped seed germinates. Maybe not. Whenever I've planted sunflower seeds, they've never grown much. I've long suspected the birds just eat the seed before they've had chance to grow into plants.

We never got to the garden centre yesterday, though we did get to the butcher. The Fox is having a go at making a coq au vin for dinner today. It's a very extravagant recipe, requiring a whole bottle of red wine as well as some cognac. But to hell with it, it does you good to once in a while have a treat & I'm certainly looking forward to eating it.

Hopefully we'll get to the garden centre some time next week. I'm thinking of doing a chicken curry next week. That will involve another visit to the butcher which is just round the corner from the garden centre. And on the way back, we'll stop at the Pub as usual. A nice way to spend an afternoon.

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