Monday, 22 December 2008

Unwanted Xmas present?

I'm beginning to suspect it's going to happen. For most of the month, various friends seem to have been coughing & spluttering. Last night we went to the carol service. I found in the evening my throat seemed a bit dry, rather sore in fact. I put it down to all that singing. Nonetheless, every time I woke in the night, I was struck by the soreness of my throat. Maybe I just needed something to drink. When I got up this morning, I went to take my morning pill. I was hard pushed to swallow it. I progressed to my liquid medication. Again difficult to swallow. As the morning has gone on, my nose has started to run & my throat is still sore. I'm telling myself it's just that I've been peeling 6 rather strong shallots for the casserole which is now plopping in the oven. But I can't help having a niggling feeling that it's a cold on its way - a Christmas present I could do without. People who know me well, know I do colds in a big way. It would certainly be a blot on the festivities.

1 comment:

The Oxcliffe Fox said...

Yeah, I know. Not just a cold. We're talking about the sinking of the Titanic, now. AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOW TO HAVE ONE AT THIS MOMENT!!!