Wednesday, 17 December 2008

The roof

The roof man has just been round. He reckons the water on the ceiling of the laundry room is condensation, not a leak. We're to let time know if it gets any worse.

I'm somewhat surprised. We've lived here for 8 years & this is the first time we've been troubled with condensation. Yes there's always been condensation on the windows, but not the ceiling. He reckons that this is probably the first time we have had a properly sealed roof on this part of the building. Previously there has always been some cracks, which, even though they didn't let the rain in, did let the warm damp air out - warm from the central heating boiler, damp from the drying washing.

I'm not entirely convinced, but certainly at the moment it's not too bad. And it is reassuring that he came round so promptly to check on the situation. If it starts gushing then I'll be straight on the phone once more.

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