Monday 9 September 2019


It’s typical. The weather over the weekend has been lovely. The Lakeland fells have stood sharply defined, all blue & green, on the other side of the Bay. Today we’ve decided on a prawn salad for dinner, so it’s wet once more. And with the wet comes the chill.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day, with two appointments at the RLI hospital in Lancaster. It’s not going to be worth coming home in between so we’re thinking of a meal out & a visit to a lovely garden centre we know that side of Lancaster.

In the intervening time between appointments I must remember to drink 2 pints of liquid minimum & go to the loo frequently. I should think if I’ve had all that liquid the visits to the loo will inevitably follow. All this is for the bone density scan. Hopefully one more step to easing the pain in my shoulder.

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