Sunday 1 September 2019


I’m really looking forward to hospital tomorrow. I’m not entirely convinced that the lump is anything to do with breast cancer but at least it would be one possibility crossed off the list.

The one thing I am convinced about is that the level of pain in my shoulder is growing. Sometimes it’s just a dull bruised ache but more often it is spells of sharp shooting pain. Sometimes the pain shoots into the shoulder, sometimes along the entry point for the incision for the removal of the last breast cancer, sometimes into the armpit. I’m trying to convince myself it’s just psychosomatic. I know there’s a lump there, I therefore must have pain. As the dagger goes in it is difficult to believe it though. Last night the Fox, forgetting for a moment, laid his head on my shoulder. I nearly screamed the place down in my agony.

Something is wrong & it needs to be sorted. And soon.

Would you believe it, yesterday, a letter arrived form the NHS, with my appointment for my next annual mammogram. If I have a mammogram tomorrow than I think the October appointment will be being cancelled. We’ll find out.

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