Saturday 16 June 2018

Results of Hector & bloods

Our gardener came yesterday. She sorted out the detritus from Storm Hector.

I had been impressed by the tall, stately, spikes of the delphiniums this year. Only the dark blue with white centres had opened up by now. After Hector had blown through, they were lying down along with the whiter ones. All have now been staked up.

On the other side of the garden the deep red & lone pink peonies have also lain down. I had always assumed it was due to the weight of their heads that they always needed staking but this year they were standing up straight proudly. No more.

Various twigs scattered the pathways. Leaves were everywhere.

Beyond our garden further damage was evident. Many of the red poppies that adorn our streets have turned their backs. They had been placed to face onto the streets as that way more people would see & appreciate them. Now many have swivelled round on their lamp posts. Some have folded in half, only secure where they are tied on to the posts. Some have slipped down railings or even torn.


We got to the surgery yesterday. Good news. The calcium level in my bloods has gone down. I’m to keep off the calcium tablets. I’m to have another blood test next month to ensure I’m not now going to go too low. As for my Dexascan for osteoporosis, that is to wait until after I’ve completed the bisphosphonates in another year’s time. Even if my bones were too thin they wouldn’t want to change my medication anyhow while I’m on the bisphosphonates.

I’m just relieved no further treatment is required. I can go off to Norway without worrying about hospital appointments or adverse reactions to new medications.

Next week we will be back to getting the doctor to see the Fox concerning his eczema which is worse than ever now.

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