Monday 18 June 2018

An angst ridden day

Yesterday I sat down to write my blog. It was going to be what a great revelation griddled watermelon had been in Saturday’s salad. We’d both dismissed watermelon as all rather tasteless water & pips. I nervously chose to do this prawn & watermelon salad which required the watermelon to be griddled. It became the highlight of the salad, sweet & juicy, really delicious. It’s certainly encouraged us to try watermelon again.

I got distracted from writing about this, when I first turned to make my latest amendments to the freezer list. During the last week, it had changed format for no reason I knew of. Not being a great one with computers I’d mentioned it to the Fox. On Saturday afternoon he’d got the list to the original format & saved it. When I loaded the list on Sunday, the list was once more out of format &, what is more, it had gone back several months’ worth of material. There was the bacon I’d crossed off as we’d eaten it a week or so ago. I was going to add a couple of chicken thighs on the end of the June 18 section to find there no such section even though I’d put things on the list earlier this week.

Yesterday the Fox had another go. He thinks he’s sorted out the format once more. However, he cannot find out how to retrieve the lost material. So now I’m faced with trying to work out how far back is lost & try to redo what’s lost. Either that or empty the freezer & make a new list once more. My next job will be to try the former when I’m finished here.

After this frustration with my freezer list I decided to vent my fury on some weeds in the garden instead of writing a blog. Our garden is still full of great chasms where the baked hard clay soil has cracked in this long dry spell. At the edge of the lawn there is a thin wooden strip, with an inch chasm either side at the moment. I was just tidying the edge of the lawn when I spotted some movement in one chasm. Soon a head appeared, olive green & moist looking. Next thing I knew a frog leapt out. I suspect he’d heard me coming along & decided it was safer to run than stay hidden in the crack. Suddenly I found myself smiling. Some of my angst dissolved.

So now I must try the freezer list. Wish me luck. I’m half expecting to see it’s in the changed format once more. Grr…

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