Thursday 7 June 2018

Old remedy

On Monday, the Fox was standing talking to me as I showed him my jigsaw, when suddenly his nose started to bleed. He hastily found a tissue. However, by then a blob of blood had landed on our mid-green carpet. I did my best to wipe it off with a wet cloth & let it dry.

Come the evening, the carpet had dried but there remained a dark patch. I thought we were stuck with it.

As I woke on Tuesday morning I remembered I’d bought a book long ago on how to clean everything. A quick look under “blood” & there was the answer. For carpets, make a thick paste of an absorbent material such as cornflour or talc & apply to the area. Once our home care had left on Tuesday, I put such a paste on, left it to dry, vacuumed it off the next morning & sure enough the patch is almost the same as the rest. So much so, if we didn’t know it was there, I don’t think we would even notice it.

When I told my carer what I was intending to do, she looked at the vintage of the book & commented it wouldn’t work. We inscribe our books when we buy them with name, date & where purchased. I’d actually bought the book on our honeymoon nearly 43 years ago. It goes to show some of the old remedies still work as well, if not better, than some of the new chemicals.

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