Sunday, 20 May 2012

The first green shoots

The Fox comes in. He's grinning. He whoops with joy. He's just been out to tuck up his veg for the night. At present the tomatoes are in a bed with a plastic cover which we open during the day & zip up for the night. The nights are still very cold & we don't want them to catch a chill. 

So what's happened to cause this glee?

While the Fox was out, he stopped to say a few words of encouragement to all his other veg & had been amazed to see the first green shoots appearing in the potato bags. They're on their way. They've clearly got going, though they've a long way to go yet.

So this morning, I go out to feed the birds - some fat from yesterday's roast - & to unzip the covers. While I'm out there I check on the spuds. There is indeed the first shoots appearing.

We'd already concluded the tomatoes are looking bushier & healthier. The peas have started to wind their first tendrils around the netting we put up for them to climb. The beans are just looking healthier as though they've settled into their new homes.

It certainly looks as though the signs are looking hopeful. So far.

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