Wednesday, 20 July 2011

What a waste of time!

The alarm goes off. It's 6.30 am. Why am I getting up at this ungodly hour? The Fox has an appointment at the surgery for 7.40am. I'm going too. I'm determined we're going to get some answers from the doc concerning the stroke. The Fox is still dragging his leg a lot of the time, & sometimes his hand & arm go into a tingly numbness. I had set the clock for nearer 6.45 but our clock is a nearly 40 year old wind up & tends to ring early, especially as it can gain minutes overnight.

Needless to say, with an early alarm like that we were at the surgery by 7.30. The door was still locked. We waited. And waited. Eventually, near 8am, other people started to arrive, including some staff. Promptly at 8 the door was unlocked & we went in.

We tell the receptionist the time of the appointment. She tells us they don't do appointments at that time. (We'd already come to that conclusion!) The Fox showed her the appointment card with the time, venue & doctor's name clearly shown, & definitely not in our writing. She apologised. That doctor wasn't even at  that surgery that day. (The practice we go to is a large one with 3 sites.) She asked if another doctor would do. The Fox said no. She made him another appointment.

At least it is for tomorrow, at a more sensible hour, mid-afternoon, & not in a month's time as usually happens if you are trying to see a specific GP.

We came home. What a waste of time that was! We couldn't even get the repeat prescription we collected filled as all the chemists we passed on the way home were still tightly shut. A complete waste of time!

Let's hope things work out better tomorrow.

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