Saturday, 2 July 2011

Good morning to you

I'm not long back from a trip down the prom in the Mean Machine (my electric scooter) to the fish shop. I feel I've just become the singer of that song from "Singin' in the Rain", going around singing, or in my case saying, "Good Morning" to so many people. The sunshine has put everyone in good spirits. Folk are inspired to say good morning to all they meet. Happiness is in the air.

My trip there was excited by the view across the bay. It was one of those still days, rare here. The tide was out. Through the sands wound a brilliant blue sheet of glass, the river making its way seaward. The sand itself was almost red by contrast, almost the colour of the red tarmac used on the promenade itself. Occasional sequins of blue shone where little puddles of water stood. All seemed incredibly quiet. Hardly anything moved. No bird cried. Magnificent & beautiful.

Coming back the scene had changed. The sands looked more muddy, but more noticeable were the number of people, especially dog owners with their charges. I noticed, down on the sand, a man playing with his three dogs, a lab & two chihuahuas. He threw the ball. The dogs chased after it. The little chihuahuas set off, their little legs going as fast as they good. But they didn't stand a chance with the lab. With a few strides he soon outran them. The chihuahuas gave up & returned to master.

The next dog I met was a spaniel. I never saw the owner. The spaniel came running across the prom after his ball, turned & ran back up the cliff, his backside wiggling with joy.

Then I came to a young man with his dog, breed unknown, but big, brown & short-coated. This owner, little more that a teenager, was clearly a football enthusiast. He kicked the ball up the cliff. His dog sat obediently at his feet until told to go fetch. The dog bounded up the cliff but couldn't find the ball. He looked back inquiringly to his owner. The latter indicated to the right. Off the dog went again, hunting for the ball. Clearly this was a well trained dog.

And so I came home, with two pots of potted shrimps (a treat for the Fox who reluctantly endured a salad for dinner last night) & a tub of fresh anchovies for a salsa to accompany today's roast lamb (with a few left anchovies over for nibbles with wine later perhaps). I keep hoping it's going to get warm enough to justify getting the table & chairs out to dine in the garden for a change - in which case the left over anchovies may accompany an aperitif while we wait for the lamb to finish cooking - but so far it remains just too cold, mainly due to persistent chill breeze. It still seems to be persisting at the moment so I'm not holding my breath.

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