Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Ironed out

I'm all ironed out. I've just spent two hours on the job. It's a good thing I can arrange the ironing board at a height I can easily iron on whilst sitting on a dining chair. Otherwise someone else would have to do it. I couldn't stand that long.

It's also the time I appreciate having a radio in the kitchen to divert me from the task in hand. So today I listened to riots through the ages, Woman's Hour, violence in gangland Glasgow, to name just a few items.

It's also just as well the Fox cooked last night so the meal just has to be warmed up. He's made a Thai beef curry. It's the last recipe he's tackling from the leaflet accompanying Big Ears, the slow cooker. All the rest of the recipes are for puds or other things that have no appeal for us.

Throughout my ironing the sun has shone brightly. It makes quite a change to see clear bright blue skies.

Having finished the ironing I hastily refilled the sunflower seeds for the birds. We seem to have gained a very hungry greenfinch this year. He sits there for long spells, just munching away. Refilling is becoming an almost daily job.


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