Sunday, 17 July 2011

The mystery of the disappearing herbs

They were certainly right about the weather. It's wet, & I mean wet. It's not helped by a strong wind blowing. At times the banshees are once more screaming down the chimney, making the day feel colder than it actually is. 

I was shocked yesterday when I popped into the garden to collect some coriander for the dinner. Something had just about eaten it all up. On Wednesday it was flourishing, now there are just some bare stems.

This happened not so long ago with the parsley. I'm glad to say the stems have re-grown some fresh greenery. I'm now just hoping the same is going to happen with the coriander.

My suspicion is that the culprits are slugs & snails. They seem to abound here. They are much more under control in the back garden since we've gone for a wilder look. The increasing numbers of birds & frogs are obviously enjoying the bounty. Unfortunately the frogs & birds don't seem as keen on the front garden, though I did see Mr Blackbird disappearing under the lemon balm, reappearing the other side of the chicory the other day. Maybe that's the start of a new trend...

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