Sunday, 26 June 2011


Waves of exhaustion keep sweeping over us. I feel a little guilty at not making the effort to go to church today. It is dry for once, but I'm just feeling so tired. I know the afternoon will be spent doing household chores, changing beds etc. To tire myself yet more by going out seems silly. Instead I take my Bible out & read a bit.

I'm not quite sure why we're so tired. I suspect it comes down to the fact that we seem to have had appointments regularly since our trip to Stoke, not giving us much time to really recuperate from that trip.

Our latest appointment is for the scan with regards to the Fox's hearing. We thought it was going to be fairly quick. According to the three page letter telling us of the time & venue (one line of the letter), he can expect to be there for at least an hour and a half, somewhat longer than we anticipated. What's more he will need to undress. It seems a bit much for a simple hearing scan!

At least we've got a couple of weeks with no definite appointments (so far!). Maybe that will give us a chance to recover a bit, to regain a bit of energy. Hope so.

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