Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Picking up

I've finally got on top of some of that exhaustion, after two 11 hour nights in bed. Maybe it has helped that the sun has arrived bringing the longed for warmth. I actually bared my arms yesterday & remain so today. The heat hasn't stopped me getting on with the ironing today. Yesterday we did contemplate finally getting the garden table & chairs out to dine outside, but by 5 pm it was already turning too cool for us. The table & chairs remain in the garage. Maybe today....

Meanwhile the Fox is going to make us a lasagne for dinner today. He's never made one before.It's a multi-layered one, with not only layers of minced beef bolognese sauce & lasagne, topped off with the usual layer of white sauce & cheese. It  had layers of white sauce inside, as well of layers of ham & boiled eggs. It should be good & I'm looking forward to it.

We've got ourselves in the rather, for us, unusual position of only having two, very small, new, potatoes in the house. So today it's pasta & tomorrow I'm thinking might turn into a curry with rice. We'll be doing the big shop tomorrow so the situation can be remedied then. I always feel insecure without plenty of spuds in the house. They are such basics. That's not to say pasta & rice is a hardship. We regularly enjoy them as alternatives.

Outside in the garden, in the grow bags where the potatoes grew last year & the purple sprouting broccoli sprouted during the winter, a lone mauve/pink poppy bravely flowers. Its petals look so delicate, as though a puff a wind will just blow them away. No doubt that is what will in fact happen some time but for now I'm loving this unexpected unplanted flower. The Fox had hoped to do some more veg growing this year but, with the stroke, he's just not been able to & now it's too late for this year. Maybe next.

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