Yesterday was a rather depressing day, one when so many things go wrong.
After writing my blog, I got back to the job of locating some accommodation for us for when the bathroom was done. The day before I had found some reasonably priced holidays in Cyprus. I was just going to decide on the precise hotel before booking. BUT, & it seemed a big but, by yesterday the prices had gone up several hundreds of pounds as the cheap flights were no longer available. We would have to go by scheduled flights, with a long wait between flights, instead of the single direct, cheap flight available the day before.
I tried another company. I found some possibilities there. However, by the time I tried to show them to the Fox, they, too, had gone.
We turned our attention to a couple of accessible cottages here in Lancashire. One didn't open until Easter, the other was already booked.
They scheduled the bathroom for the week they did as it was the week after school half term in this area. I'm now coming to the conclusion that it must be half-term somewhere else in the UK a week later than here & everyone is going on holiday, some to here, some abroad.
But none of this helps us. It's just adding to the stress. There seems to be an overwhelming imperative to find some accommodation somewhere & I'm beginning to panic. I'm going to have another look after this. There must be something somewhere available that is at a reasonable price! Wish me luck!
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