Thursday, 27 January 2011

Big Garden Birdwatch

I've just realised it's the Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend. They don't seem to have done as good a job of advertising the event as usual. Most years I get a letter from the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) reminding me of the date (& also an encouragement for me to make a donation to their charity). I also usually see full page adverts in magazines I read, but this year I've seen none. I will admit I did have a look at their website as I had an itch telling me it was that time of the year. Then this morning, on the "Today" programme on BBC Radio4, there was a little item on it. Anyhow, this weekend, at some point I have an excuse to sit for an hour at the kitchen door, looking through the window, binoculars, bird book & a mug of tea on the counter beside me.

I can already guess some of the visitors. The starlings have been very regular since we had the turkey last weekend. The stalwarts always are around. They include the collared doves, the blackbirds, tits of various kinds, the sparrows & usually a magpie puts in an appearance. Other visitors are a bit more variable. It would be great if that woodpecker returned but there's not be any sign since I last wrote.

But first, today, we're off to the Farmers' Market. We defrosted the freezer at the weekend. Now it's looking remarkably empty. Time for a stock up of good quality meats, even though I am going through of fish phase. Tuesday was smoked haddock, yesterday salmon & today is going to be either mackerel or cod. We do enjoy our fish.

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