Monday, 24 January 2011

The other Big Bird Day(s)

The Fox has already written about the big bird day, but, for me, the big bird day came yesterday. I duly put any left over bits of turkey skin, fat, etc out for the birds. I'd barely got back into the house when the starlings arrived. En masse. Within minutes the whole paved area was black with birds scurrying around with bits of golden skin tangling from their beaks.

The rest of the skin went out this morning - I don't want the birds to overeat so much they can't even take off from the ground. Sure enough the starlings were back again. I suspect tomorrow they will turn up in eager anticipation. They will be disappointed. 

The liquid fat I put in a mug & added loads of birdseed, making a fat ball. That's in the fridge getting really hard ready to be be tomorrow's fare. Our birds do pretty well!

Meanwhile I'm pondering the first question on the disability Allowance consultation form - "What are the problems or barriers that prevent disabled people participating in society and leading independent, full and active lives?" How's that for a biggy? I can't help thinking the range is vast. So much depends on the disability, on the age at which you become disabled, even on the character of the person. The problems of someone becoming blind in older age are quite different from those born blind, I suspect. I could write a whole thesis on the subject but I suspect they're hoping for something briefer, more concise. I'm just hoping the other questions aren't so broad, otherwise I'll never get it done in time for mid-Feb. 

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