Wednesday, 12 January 2011

In a dither

We're in a bit of a dither at the moment. Where to stay while the kitchen is done? Local or abroad in the sun?

The dithering is starting to extend into other areas of life. 

As I'm sitting in the local pub yesterday, I contemplate what we're to have for dinner today,  & ask the Fox for his opinion. He usually cooks on Wednesday so his view is important. 

I'm currently running down the freezer a bit. Food for the current month to be used up include cooked turkey, turkey stuffing, ham, cooked lamb, cooked beef. I usually try to work the way down the list in the order in which they are written. Topping the list is the stuffing, followed by the turkey, but yesterday we were having turkey croquettes for dinner & that uses both so I thought a change would be nice. 

Next on the list is ham. We've had a fair amount of ham this year - ham & egg flan, ham & parsley pancakes, French hammy scrambled eggs, potatoes florentine. I suggest a hammy omelette. No great enthusiasm. Too much like the scrambled eggs. How about hammy dumplings? That got a bit more of a reaction. It's an old favourite & we haven't had it in ages. But he still didn't seem keen.

Finally we agree on a shepherd's pie made with the lamb. Then, at home, mid-dinner, the Fox comes up with the idea of spicing up the shepherd's pie. Maybe a bit of chilli or Worcester sauce. 

It dawns upon me that what the Fox is really fancying is some spice. Apart from the reassuring spicy spag bol (read his blog) we haven't had a lot of spice this year. So it is that we finally settle on a beef curry.

At last we're off the fence, a peculiarly uncomfortable position to be in. Now we only need to get off the fence concerning this accommodation while they do the bathroom!

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