It's another one of those beautiful mornings. The sky is bright blue, full of light, positively glowing with it. Everything around has a white haze over it. So it is that, as I look out at the front garden, I see the purple sage is almost the same colour as the silvery grey colour of the curry plant in front of it. The temperature, when I ventured out just after 8am, was -10C, definitely cold. As I made the tea for breakfast, I looked out of the kitchen window to be wowed by the sight of a couple of Vs of 50-100 geese. A definitely wintry morning.
It's a quiet morning too. If it stays dry, we're hoping to get off to Wigan this afternoon. Either way dinner is a quick stir fry, Thai green chicken curry, which the Fox will be making so there's nothing for me to prepare. If we do get off to look at bathrooms we'll probably eat out so the curry will be made tomorrow instead.
So I'm sitting here, trying to take it easy so I'll have the energy to cope with a day out. I will be glad to have a clearer idea of what we want & how much it will cost. There obviously will be loads of decisions to be made. When we went to the local showroom on Monday, we picked up a catalogue. There seems to be hundreds of choices from sinks, loos, taps, plug hole shapes, buttons or handles for flushing loos, shower head shapes, shower cubicle shapes...... Endless choices. And all to be made.
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