As we were expecting a long day of waiting for the heating engineer to come to sort out the central heating boiler, we hastily got today's chores done yesterday. Not that that involved much, just a quick trip to the butcher's to buy a chicken for Saturday's roast.
We were told the engineer would ring an hour before coming. So you can imagine our surprise when the doorbell rang, promptly after 8am. We were still in bed. We hastily got out of bed. The Fox put on his dressing gown while I tried to get dressed. Five minutes later, when I had progressed to cleaning my teeth, the man was leaving again, job done. The thermostat on the boiler was indeed set far too high & had been adjusted. Now we wait to see if the heating stays off during the night as it is supposed to.
So now I've got a free morning. I've just made some Durham cutlets, sort of triangular shaped rissoles, using up some up some left over roast beef. They're ready to fry up this evening.
Hopefully this afternoon we will get over to the Pub. We were hoping to get there today as Friday is the day most of our friends turn up. PD is itching for me (why is it always me?) to organise a Christmas dinner for us all at the Pub for December some time. If we're going to have one it's time we settled on a date & booked the table(s).
Meanwhile I've got some reading to do. Our financial adviser was round yesterday & left some reading matter. Decisions have to be made, the sooner the better. Though whether I will be able concentrate sufficiently with the sound of the banshees blowing around outside & howling down the chimney is a different question.
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