Thursday, 11 November 2010

Right measures for the problem?

I spoke, or rather wrote, too soon. The boiler keeps coming on. I complained once again. This time they're sending a man around. The current thinking seems to be that the anti-freezing setting on the boiler is set too high. The laundry room never got below 10C, not the 5C it should be at. Only an engineer can sort that out. So now I've got another day of waiting to look forward to tomorrow. They couldn't even tell me whether it would be morning or afternoon. Oh what a pleasure that will be!

While we were out yesterday I couldn't help noticing, & feeling a little annoyed about the number of roads having their permissible speeds reduced to 20mph.

I appreciate this seems to be happening in the essentially residential areas of town, though not always. What gets to me about this is that the only people who will slow down will be the conscientious careful drivers. I appreciate lower speeds do mean in the event of a car hitting a person injuries are likely to be less severe. However, the drivers that cause the accidents tend to be the tearaway speedsters who ignore the old 30mph signs. I can't see them being deterred by a reduction in speed limit.

It has to be admitted that modern cars tend not to be designed for such slow speeds. They tend to use more fuel & cause more pollution. Often the engines make more noise.

I can see careful drivers may well not venture into these areas unless they have to. But the council is leaving so few roads where you can go at 30mph that I suspect they are going to grind to a halt under the sheer level of traffic trying to use them to avoid the 20mph areas! And anyhow, even before the changes these careful drivers wouldn't attempt to go at 30mph if there were pedestrians & animals wandering all over the road so why bother changing the speeds?

I sometimes suspect the real reason why so many accidents occur involving children is just that the children are not taught any road sense. The number who seem to think they can just walk across the road without even stopping to look first is incredible & seem to be steadily increasing in number. What ever happened to the green cross code?

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