Tuesday 24 December 2019

Traffic jams everywhere

The drive into hospital yesterday was a nightmare. Clearly there was an awful lot of last minute Christmas shopping to be done. The traffic jam started a mile or so out of the city.

We tried to avoid some by going through the village of Torrisholme but we just joined another queue.

Once in Lancaster we avoided the main shopping/car parking streets & went through the more residential streets as much as we could. But eventually we had to descend the hill to rejoin the mayhem. By then we were nearly out of the shopping area. We went onto the next roundabout to find that almost at a standstill as people from the south of Lancaster were trying to stream in for their shopping. Eventually we were able to get around it to exit for the hospital. Fortunately we found a disabled parking space near Oncology. We eventually arrived nearly half an hour late.

If we’d realised the traffic was going to be that bad we would have taken the bypass & tackled Lancaster from the east side.

I was sat for my treatment next to a fellow patient & commented how bad the traffic was. She hadn’t found it too bad. She’d come from Quermore, a village on the Pennine slopes to the east of Lancaster, the side the hospital is & so hadn’t had the ordeal of trying to cross the city to reach the hospital.

My next trip in will be on Friday, when hopefully I should get the results of the CT scan. Hopefully the traffic should be a bit quieter by then. Or will there be a big rush for the sales instead?

In between times it will be Christmas so I will take this opportunity to wish all my readers

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