Tuesday 31 December 2019

Looking forward

We recently defrosted the freezer. As I result I discovered a gammon joint there I’d completely forgotten about. It’s on the freezer list but I only print off a few months’ worth of contents at a time. So today, I’m having a good rummage in the freezer.

I’m looking for that gammon joint. We’re going to have that for tomorrow’s treat New Year’s meal. Roasted it should be delicious. We’re contemplating experimenting with a maple syrup glaze for a change.

I’m also looking for some bacon bits & some cheddar cheese. The Fox is going to make a Cheese Pasta Medley for today’s dinner. These days, when I make a Cheese Pasta Medley I get it together in the morning & pop it in the oven in the evening. It’s too tiring for me to do it all in one go. However, the flavour of the final meal is improved if it’s done all in one go. The tomato ketchup becomes too evenly mixed in when you make it in the morning. Done in the evening the taste of each mouthful of food varies as the strength of the ketchup varies. I’m really rather looking forward to it.

What I’m not looking forward to is the rummage in the freezer. It’s cold enough for me to look out on our white lawns this morning. I know the joint is at the bottom of the meat section of the freezer so that means a lot of meaty ice blocks to be taken out. One of the side effects of the chemo is neuralgia. This results in a strange numbness at the same time as hypersensitivity. My fingers are really going to be frozen by the time I’m done. So wish me luck.

Meanwhile I’ll take this opportunity to wish you all 

May 2020 bring you health & happiness

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