Friday 20 December 2019


The district nurse has just been, to take yet more blood. We usually do it in the kitchen as there is good light in there as well as a sink for her to wash her hands.

She got waylaid on the way into the kitchen by the appetising smells coming from the slow cooker. The Fox has been cooking some Italian Milk-Fed Pork for dinner. The orange, cinnamon & herbs in the liquor, mixed with the cooking pork smell divine. I just hope it tastes as good as it smells when we eat it this evening.

Now I’m keeping my fingers crossed that my bloods are going to be okay. I want to get this course of chemo done. I want to get back to my own hair, rather than this wig. I want to get on with the op if I’m having it. Above all I want to get my life back, to not have to worry about fitting everything in around hospital appointments, to not be so tired all the time, to contemplate holidays once more. Normality again in other words.

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