Tuesday 17 December 2019

A day of freedom

Yesterday turned into a nice day. This time I felt well enough to appreciate a gained day of freedom without having to go into the hospital. It gave us both chance to catch our breath & catch up with some of those things we’ve been putting on one side.

So it is I managed to sort out why the pre-payment card I get from the council to pay for my care wasn’t working. It was a relief to get the bill paid.

We also had a man come round to look at a drip we’ve had in the roof. We’d assumed there must have been a cracked or lost tile but it seems it’s just excessive condensation. He’s going to put up some ventilation tiles come the new year.

Above all it was good to catch up on friends we haven’t seen for ages. A group of us often meet up on a Monday in our local pub. Since my chemo treatment is always on Mondays that has meant we have been unable to see these friends. It has been particularly concerning as one of them has spent a week in hospital herself. Now she is home &, on the whole, looking better than she has for a while. The day off also gave us chance to wish them all a Happy Christmas as next week I’ll hopefully be back to chemo.

Come the evening I had enough energy to sit & chunter with the Fox over something to drink & some French chansons – a rare event these days of excessive fatigue as a consequence of the chemo. I confess our urge to visit France again is strong but I cannot see us managing to get away much before the autumn at the earliest. I suspect, with the extra week delay in completion of this course of chemo, it will mean the op won’t be until Feb now. By the time I’ve recovered sufficiently to be thinking of holidays I suspect it will be Easter, so the first half of next year would seem to be dominated by medical treatment. Until this cancer is defeated, or at least under control, we cannot realistically contemplate holidays, especially longer ones abroad.

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