Thursday 28 November 2019

New arrival

It was late, around 6.30pm. We’d just finished dinner & I’d gone off to get changed into my nightwear when the doorbell rang. The Fox went to answer the door. He was amazed to find a man come to deliver my new wheelchair. I hastily put back on what I’d taken off – not much at that stage - & put on a thick coat & joined them.

I was encouraged to try the chair, to test it to see if I was satisfied. I did my best, but it was difficult to come to any real conclusions in the dark.

It certainly has a very different feel from my old one. It’s narrower – well, I had lost 2 inches across my thighs. The wheels seem lower to reach, the back higher – a better height for the tall Fox to reach to push me. The handling rings on the wheels are covered with a warmer material rather than the old aluminium which gets so freezing cold in winter. I tried a drop kerb & found I could tip to get up the lip so it was clearly lighter than those they’d sent before. In the end all I could say was that it was promising but I really needed to try it out further, in daylight, to come to any decision.

The deliveryman commented I should keep both my old & new one for the time being & see how I get on. Once I’ve properly decided I’m to ring the company & they will take away the one I don’t want. If I’ve decided to keep the new one but need a few minor alterations they can do that then.

Since then it has rained. I’m reluctant to take the new chair out much in this weather. But the first dry day, I’ll be out on the patio area of the garden trying it out, checking if I can get myself up the ramp to the kitchen door. Hopefully by then my cold will also be under control. I do hope so.

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