Saturday 13 October 2018

Autumn colour

Since we’ve been home from Italy we seem to have made numerous trips to the hospital – dermatology for the Fox, mammogram & chemo for me, radio interview for me. Each time we’ve wondered at the changing colours of the leaves as we’ve driven by. Ryelands Park, which we pass on the way into Lancaster, has many deciduous trees. The first trees to change were the horsechestnuts. When we went in on Monday (mammogram day), the colours were becoming really vibrant. We felt certain we were set for a wonderful autumn, long & literally golden. Then came yesterday.

Yesterday was another trip into Lancaster – radio interview day. It was also the day Storm Callum hit. As we drove there & back the air was thick with leaves, the pavements covered & slimy with them. By the time we were homeward bound, the idea of a golden autumn was past. Many trees stood bare.

At home we discovered the almost empty green bin was dancing around the patio area. We hastily moved it into the garage for the duration. While we were at it, we removed the lightweight plastic water container for the birds. We had to replace that earlier this year when the old one blew off in a storm & shattered on the patio as it landed. We will replace it, full of water when the weather is more settled.

Today is quieter though very wet. I suspect it’s the eye of the storm & quite expect a further blow.

As for the radio interview it went reasonably well. I was somewhat surprised to discover I was encouraged to talk into a mobile phone with a furry cap on top. The recording, edited a bit, is to be broadcast on Monday on local radio. Needless to say, afterwards I was struck by the things I ought to have mentioned – the support of the MacMillan nurses, the massages we received form CancerCare. However, most things I was apparently reasonably clear on, or so the Fox assures me, & if it encourages just one more woman to go for a mammogram even if she doesn’t have symptoms it will have been worthwhile.

Now I’m being asked if I would consider being a user representative at some of the meetings concerning how the breast screening & treatment services should be run in the future. I was told there is only a couple of meetings a year which shouldn’t be too onerous. I’ve agreed to consider it & look at the bumf they will be sending me, but I’m not entirely sure. Much will depend on when the meetings are. Evenings you can forget. Even other times I would have to think about. And, of course, much will depend on the health of both of us.

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