Tuesday 26 December 2017

Christmas agony

I hope you all had a good Christmas, a better one than we did.

So what went wrong with ours? Last Friday I lost two fillings from one tooth, leaving just a skinny enamel sentinel there instead. Then yesterday I managed to lose a filling from a tooth on the other side of my mouth. This made chewing food very difficult. We had some pâté for brunch. Even though the toast was cut into strips it remained an exhausting job. After one slice of toast I’d had enough. By dinner time the first challenge was having my chewable calcium tablet starter. Nibbling away with just my front incisors was another slow job. Come the delicious honey roast ham & again it was a slow hard eat. I did not succumb to an extra slice or two as usually I would. I think this is one of the few Christmases I’ve actually lost weight. I’m really looking forward to Wednesday when the dentist opens up again.

Meanwhile the Fox wasn’t doing too much better. His rash seems to have mainly cleared from his back, chest & face. But now it’s spreading along his legs & arms & into his hair. What’s more they seemed even itchier than the others. Once Christmas is over & things get back to normal we’ll be getting onto the hospital to see if his appointment could be brought forward. He’s desperate for some relief.

Christmas wasn’t an entire wash out. We spent a quiet evening listening to carols, chuntering over some alcohol. At least we do still have each other to prop one another up, to raise a laugh at our misery, to make the intolerable tolerable.


Malcolm said...

Here's hoping for a swift resolution of the absent fillings saga, and that the Fox is able to get an earlier appointment. You are both in our thoughts!

The Oxcliffe Fox said...

As are you two. Let's hope 2018 brings better fortune, and health, all round. The Vixen