Monday 18 December 2017

A slow morning

I’ve had a slow start to the day. I was up early enough. I even set the alarm for 7.30am to make sure I was – I was up before it went off.

What slowed me down, & why I set the alarm, is the need to phone the surgery to make another appointment for the Fox to see a doctor about this rash. To see the doctor on the day you have to start the business of getting on the phone at 8am, hence my early rise.

At 8 I dialled – fault with the line. I tried every few minutes either getting a fault with the line or engaged. In between dialling I put up a bit of tinsel to decorate the room & give us a feel of Christmas coming. Eventually, around 9am I got a ringing tone & was told there were at least 10 other people in the queue before me. The voice message said I could try later if I preferred. I held on. I wasn’t about to spend yet more of the morning just trying to get through & the Fox needs to see the doctor. Eventually I got a human voice.

She then went on to ask why I needed an appointment for the Fox today. I explained the Fox had seen a doctor last week & the rash had just got worse, spreading over more & more of his body. The cream he’d been given didn’t even ease the itchiness, let alone tackle the pain. I got the appointment.

The next job was to get on to the dinner – Meatball Curry for this evening. It was a pleasant surprise to discover the apples from our garden have now sweetened into something enjoyable to eat.  Once the curry was plopping away I ventured out to take the peelings to the compost bin. En route I picked up a large, rather slimy looking, hydrangea leaf. I thought it might as well go in the bin too. It was frozen hard & brittle. It must have been a very cold night last night. Still that makes it just the day for a warming curry for this evening.

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