Wednesday 28 January 2015

Getting/not getting organised

I feel I should be getting onto Social Services. The sealing of the seat of one of my perching stools is splitting. Unfortunately it is the one I use in the bathroom for when I have a shower or clean my teeth/have a wash at the sink. At the moment I have a shower one day. The next few days after I sit to clean my teeth & water squirts out of the stool, down the back of my leg down on the floor. I’m fed up of having wet trousers or skirts for most of the morning.

However, I’ve just completed getting a fish pie together & really feel I’m past coping with their usual red tape. Maybe I’ll get around to it tomorrow.

It looks as though our French holiday is now organised. We finally, on our third attempt, managed to find an accessible room in Paris on our homeward journey. It’s in the St Germain area, which we didn’t really explore last year, so it should be interesting.

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